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Embarking on your journey to LLB Part II at the University of Auckland is a significant milestone in your legal education. But before you dive into this exciting chapter, it’s essential to understand the requirements, GPA calculations, and gain some invaluable tips to ensure a smooth transition.


Let’s dive right into the first hurdle, perhaps the most daunting of them all – the Grade Point Average (GPA) requirement. This is the academic bar you’ll need to clear based on your performance during your initial year of studies to secure your spot in LLB Part II.

For the GPA requirement, the University takes your best five non law (conjoint) papers and the three LLB Part I papers (those being Law 121, Law 131, and Law 141. A typical LLB Part I plus conjoints normally has four papers per semester.

Semester 1: Three non-law papers + Law 121.

Semester 2: Two non-law papers + Law 131 and Law 141.

But What is the GPA Requirement?

The GPA required for guaranteed entry into LLB Part II is 6.5. This is somewhere between a B+ and an A- grade average. The point table per grade looks like this:

9 = A+

8 = A

7 = A-

6 = B+

5 = B

4 = B-

3 = C+

2 = C

1 = C-

It is however important to note that both Law 131 and Law 141 are what is called ‘double weighted’. This means they are worth double the amount of points towards your GPA requirement for admittance into LLB Part II. 

How Do I Calculate My GPA for LLB Part II Admittance?

This is where it can get a little complicated. You can use an online GPA calculator which is helpful, but often I tend to do it myself. It’s best to delve straight into an example (I have put the points in brackets):

Conjoint Paper 1: B+ (6)

Conjoint Paper 2: B (5)

Conjoint Paper 3: A- (7)

Conjoint Paper 4: B+ (6)

Conjoint Paper 5: B+ (6)

Law 121: B+ (6)

Law 131: A- (7)

Law 141: B (5)

When crunching the numbers for your GPA, here’s the drill: Sum up all those grade points you’ve earned and then divide the total by the number of papers. To keep things clear, the University takes your five best non-law conjoint papers. So, even if you have done more than five, the University will only take the five best ones.

However, you must calculate Law 131 and Law 141 as double weighted. Normally, you’d calculate it by the number of papers you have taken (which is true for the rest) but you need to times the points you’ve gotten for Law 131 and Law 141 by two

Are you still with me?

So, they will take all of those eight papers into consideration. But, since Law 131 and Law 141 are double weighted, you want to divide your added points by ten, not by eight. 

As per my previous example, the formula would be this:

6 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 7 x 2 + 5 x 2 = 60

Then, 60 divided by 10 (eight papers, two double weighted) = 6.

This would give my example a GPA of 6.

Conjoint Smonjoint, Does it Matter?

Yes, your conjoint degree is nearly as important as your law degree, especially in semester one. They count just as much towards your GPA as your law papers do, so don’t neglect them!

Law Tutoring: How Can We Help You Gain Admission Into LLB Part II?

Gaining admission to LLB Part II is a significant milestone for any law student, and we’re here to make that journey smoother and more attainable. Our dedicated tutors and success mentors are committed to guiding you through every step of the process, offering unwavering support and expertise to ensure your success.

One of the unique challenges law students often face is the transition from high school to the rigorous demands of legal studies. High school education may not provide the specific skills required to excel as a law student. That’s where our program steps in. We recognise that high school doesn’t always teach you how to write and think like a law student. Our tailored curriculum is designed to bridge this gap effectively, providing you with the tools and knowledge necessary to excel in your LLB.

Our success mentors will not only assist you in understanding the admission requirements but also help you prepare a compelling application that highlights your passion for law and showcases your readiness for advanced coursework. We’re here to answer all your questions, address any concerns, and provide the guidance you need to secure your spot in LLB Part II.

In essence, our program is your personalised roadmap to success in the legal field. We are committed to equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to thrive in LLB Part II and beyond, ensuring that your journey in the world of law is both rewarding and fulfilling.


Remember, while the GPA requirement may appear daunting, it’s a reflection of your dedication and hard work throughout your initial year of studies. With determination, a clear understanding of the requirements, and the right support system, you’re well-equipped to navigate the challenges and seize the opportunities that LLB Part II has to offer.